Hello and welcome to Bullesque! We are a group of researchers and teacher-researchers working in the field of fluid mechanics. We’re particularly interested in soft matter, capillary phenomena, acoustics and gel.

This site brings together our various activities and news, but also aims to explain everyday noises such as the murmur of a river or the sound of rain. These popularization articles are primarily intended for science students, but can also be understood by all levels.

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You can find below the latest news and articles on the sound of things !

1007, 2023

Soap bubble pop

By |10 July 2023|Sound of things|

A soap bubble’s final act is a quiet “pfttt.” Put your ear next to a bubble and you might hear a high-pitched sound as it bursts. This characteristic sound conveys the underlying physics at play during the bursting. At first, before the bursting, bubble’s soapy film pushes on the air inside it as it tends to minimize its area, this is known as Laplace [...]

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